Query Visualization

Monitoring is not just about the quantity of the results; what counts most, is the quality . Nothing is worse than a flood of content that is not exactly what you were looking for. To prevent this, eMM uses Boolean search, which helps to narrow down search terms, so that you really get the results that you actually want and need.

Advantages of Boolean search:

  • Narrowing down of the search with operators
  • Getting exactly the content you are looking for
  • Saving time: no manual sorting out of clips
  • Targeted notification when your search term appears
  • Search query visualization
  • Spam prevention: You can check how many results your search query would achieve and receive a notification if it generated too much unspecific content.

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How does Boolean search work?

Refine your search using math operators such as plus, minus, and parentheses. This allows you to specify exactly which terms should be included and which should not. Moreover you can influence the order of the words. Boolean search is easy to learn and can be worked with immediately, thanks to the search query visualization.

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