Political Communication: Where Media & Government Intersect

Political Communication: Where Media & Government Intersect

The world of politics is just as much characterized by communication and PR as the world of business. Knowledge of the daily news plays a key role for managing the public opinion and influencing voting...

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May 29, 2024
One fits all? The Perfect Media Monitoring Solution for any Customer

One fits all? The Perfect Media Monitoring Solution for any Customer

When looking for the perfect monitoring solution, making sure that the service provides access to the channels we need to monitor is essential. Only then, and when search queries have been created in a targeted manner, a company can be sure that all relevant media content...

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May 26, 2024
Effective Reputation Management through Media Monitoring

Effective Reputation Management through Media Monitoring

In today’s digital age, where information flows freely and swiftly across various platforms, managing one’s reputation has become more challenging than ever before. With the spread of social media, online news outlets, and broadcast channels, individuals and organizations are...

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May 8, 2024
Employer Branding: Discover How Your Business is Presented in The Media and How People Perceive it

Employer Branding: Discover How Your Business is Presented in The Media and How People Perceive it

Increased sales and excellent annual results are the crowning glory of any company. However, they are not only based on good planning, hard work and profitable strategies, but also on a foundation that underpins every successful company and forms its centrepiece: its values...

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April 26, 2024
eMM Waterfall: The Power of Information Immediacy on One Single Screen

eMM Waterfall: The Power of Information Immediacy on One Single Screen

Technology-related aspects of companies are among the top strategic business priorities of CEOs and CFOs worldwide. According to a Deloitte study, businesses’ tech budgets have increased from 3.64% in 2018 to 5.49% in 2022, and it forecasts another increase to 5.85% in...

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April 24, 2024
Everlasting Relevance: Television in Transition

Everlasting Relevance: Television in Transition

As a media consumer, one could quickly get the impression that in today’s fast-paced world, everything revolves around digital and social media and that broadcasting is losing importance - but the reality couldn’t be more...

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April 4, 2024
eMM Exporting Options: Easily Report & Share Media Content and Insights From Media Monitoring

eMM Exporting Options: Easily Report & Share Media Content and Insights From Media Monitoring

Media monitoring goes way beyond writing search queries and visualizing incoming media content. Analyzing and communicating the results are also an essential step turning findings into very valuable insights for...

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April 4, 2024
Monitoring the Broadcast Media Across Europe

Monitoring the Broadcast Media Across Europe

With more than 700 million inhabitants spread across 47 states and its many merging cultures, Europe is the epitome of diversity and so is its media landscape, characterized by innovation and a strong tradition of public broadcasting. Unlike some other regions where media...

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April 3, 2024